La Sorga - Antony Tortul logo

La Sorga

Antony Tortul

92 266 8646 KM

Bushido - 2011

La Sorga - Antony Tortul

Petit Manseng, Gros Manseng, Chardonnay, Viognier, Vermentino - Occitanie - Vin De France

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Si vous avez la chance de goûter, je vous laisse juger... Wouaaahhh !! Merci la Sorga 😉


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Bushido 2011

Intense and sweet nose, strawberry jam, apple pie, chocolate, nougat, sweet spices, mushrooms, amaro with Blowing but ! Rounded and off-dry palate, medium acidity and long-long aftertaste!

punkit @punkit