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Vin d’Où

Terlinckstraat 2, 2600 Antwerp, Belgium

8 0 6525 KM



Ca De Noci - Alberto & Giovanni Masini

Grasparossa, Malbo Gentile, Lambrusco di Montericco, Sgavetta - Emilia-Romagna - Vino rosso frizzante

Sottobosco - Ca De Noci - Alberto & Giovanni Masini
Vin d’Où logo Vin d’Où - 01 May. 2021
37 24 0


Again a super bottle, fruit, cherris in nose and nice tannines, great with some pork😋

6525 KM

Vin d’Où

Wines at Vin d’Où:
Domaine La Rogerie
Justine & François Petit Boxler
Heroine - Domaine La Rogerie - Justine & François Petit Boxler -2012

What a verry nice champagne! Nose some citrus and honey, taste is monthful but crisp and jucy, rich but not overdone nice balance in accidity and fruit, fir me just the wright amound of wood, in the background SUPER

Ca De Noci
Alberto & Giovanni Masini
Sottobosco - Ca De Noci - Alberto & Giovanni Masini

Mmmm, this is a great example of a lambrusco, good structure., nice rioe fruit, a bit of vegetal nose but nice, Lots of juce and ripe tannins, , thank you Gio and Albi and Babo

#8 Stilleben - Extra Brut
Charles Dufour
Charles Dufour
#8 Stilleben - Extra Brut - Charles Dufour - Charles Dufour

Nose bit closed , black mouse, but afhter 15 min a hint of incense Nice yellow color Straight and nice acidety and elegant body, not to full just right, super wine!

Champagne Savart
Frederic Savart
L'Ouverture - Champagne Savart - Frederic Savart

Rich but verry elegant , what a start this “ overture” is, verry promessing

Discover wines at Vin d’Où
Posted by users:

9.3 / $29 / very frizzante! Initially a little worried about a slight soggy cardboard smell. Was ready to toss it actually. But then the unexpected. I tasted one of the best lambrusco type wines I've ever had! Tannic but the bubbles provide some lightness. Super dry, very dark.... tastes like super dry, very dark grapes (with bubbles, duh) ;) Begging for a medium rare dry aged ribeye right now. And I just ate a giant heirloom tomato and a pound of mozzarella. But that was for a different wine. I need the bloody ribeye.

15 users have posted "Sottobosco"