Bar Restaurant
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Rosso Granato

Via S. Vincenzo, 29, 70043 Monopoli, Italy

10 1 7970 KM


Le Verrane

Azienda Agricola Vittorio Bera & Figli - Alessandra e Gianluigi Bera

Barbera - Piemonte - DOC Piemonte Barbera

Le Verrane - Azienda Agricola Vittorio Bera & Figli - Alessandra e Gianluigi Bera
Rosso Granato logo Rosso Granato - 24 Jun. 2023
15 9 0

Bar Restaurant

Wines at Rosso Granato:
Ivan Giuliani
Vignebasse - Terenzuola - Ivan Giuliani -2022
Amore e Magia
Podere Le Ripi
Sebastian Nasello
Amore e Magia - Podere Le Ripi - Sebastian Nasello
Cloé (old label)
Abbazia San Giorgio
Battista Belvisi
Cloé (old label) - Abbazia San Giorgio - Battista Belvisi
I Cangianti
Matteo & Luca Stoppini
Confine - I Cangianti - Matteo & Luca Stoppini
Discover wines at Rosso Granato
Posted by users:

Barbera in one of its magnificent expressions. A not too intense ruby ​​red with violet reflections and an evanescent effervescence opens to the nose with hints of fruit, fresh cherries and black cherries, herbaceous and undergrowth notes, here its naturalness is indisputable. In the mouth it is truly remarkable fresh, sapid with an incredible balance. The real Barbera

Toujours excellent les vins de la famille Bera

Delicieux. Attention cependant à l'effervescence à l'ouverture ...

8 users have posted "Le Verrane"