
Tatsis Winery - Perikles & Stergios Tatsis

Xinomavro - Greece - Macedonia

Xiropotamos - Tatsis Winery - Perikles & Stergios Tatsis
jhb @jhb - 28 Oct. 2022
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Xinomavro Blanc De Noir A strong mineral nose. grapefruit, butter, sweet bread, pineapple, flower honey and biscuit. Mouth filled, aromatic and with strong and crispy acidity. greasy, fruity, Honey flavored and aftertaste of grapefruit peel and citrus. Very complicated wine. Aged for 1 year in stainless steel tanks And then 6 months in the bottle Biodynamic cultivation, natural winemaking

A wine that comes from vineyards biodynamic. The of wine is simple dry and sour with high acidity Not much smell and a taste of tart mandarins and lemon. Would cover any delicate dish and favour fat and stronger flavours. Distinctly but gently natural in style, lightly earthy. Unusual blanc de noirs of xinomavro.

Minerale, fresco, sapido. Una scoperta!

Parfaitement équilibré entre la fraîcheur, la richesse (côté mielleux grâce au bois), et l’acidité minérale

6 users have posted "Xiropotamos"