Enorme - Piccolo Salone del Vino Artigianale 2023

June 09, 2023 - 0 comments

Enorme - Piccolo Salone del Vino Artigianale, the first event dedicated to artisanal wines in Irpinia, will be held from 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. on June 18th and 19th, 2023 at the Castello d'Aquino in Grottaminarda (AV). Over 70 winegrowers from different regions of Italy and beyond will participate.

The idea of an artisanal wine fair in Irpinia was born out of discussions and reflections among a group of winegrowers, industry insiders, and connoisseurs. It aimed to fill a void in an area that lacked a space for sharing knowledge about wine.

Enorme is a meeting of vine growers and wine enthusiasts who come together in Irpinia to get to know each other, compare notes, and provide another point of view on wine. The wineries have been selected from those that follow all production phases directly, from the cultivation of the vine to bottling, and that use only their own grapes or those purchased in the same area. These winegrowers do not use synthetic chemicals, herbicides, fungicides, systemic and genetically manipulated organisms. They make a conscious use of sulphur dioxide SO2, and do not use exogenous elements that could distract from the representativeness of a terroir.

In addition, the fair will feature Azienda Agricola Iumara with its productions of oils and honey, Berolà with distillates, Maestri del Sannio with brassic products, and the San Comaio and Torre Rivera companies with oils.

On Sunday, June 18th, participants can also attend two seminars with tastings organized by Giovanni Bietti, a musician and wine enthusiast, and editor of the five volumes of 'Vini Naturali d'Italia'. On Monday, June 19th, at 12 noon, there will be a tasting workshop called "I Presidi Slow Food del territorio" organized by the Condotta Irpinia Colline dell'Ufita e Taurasi as well.

The Raisin team will also be present, so don't hesitate to stop by our stand! You can pick up a free poster, learn more about the app and have a chat with us. We are always happy to meet you and share a glass of wine. 

Enorme - Piccolo Salone del Vino Artigianale
Enorme - Piccolo Salone del Vino Artigianale


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