Wine Shop
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Nowa 0,, 31-056 Krakow, Poland

56 16 7530 KM


Concerto D'oniss

Les Vignes de l'Angevin - Jean-Pierre Robinot

Pineau D'Aunis - Vallée de la Loire - Vin De France

Concerto D'oniss - Les Vignes de l'Angevin - Jean-Pierre Robinot
Naturaliści logo Naturaliści - 19 Feb. 2022
8 3 0


Fantastic and still very fresh. Just like I remembered this wine the last time I tasted it 10 years ago

7530 KM


Wines at Naturaliści:
PAN Vino Bianco
Andrea Spagnoli
PAN Vino Bianco - - - Andrea Spagnoli

Macerated 8 days. Stainless steel, but not reductive winemaking. Hyper fruity, white flowers, tickles the tongue with a slight sparkle. Easy to drink

Loup Garou
Ponte di Toi
Stefano Legnani
Loup Garou - Ponte di Toi - Stefano Legnani

Rich, smooth, elegant and full of apricots. Only 1650 bottles produced.

Olivia del Rio
Jérome Saurigny
Jérôme Saurigny
Olivia del Rio - Jérome Saurigny - Jérôme Saurigny -2020

Super fresh bistro wine at the top!

Corinto Nero
Azienda Agricola Caravaglio Antonino
Antonino Caravaglio
Corinto Nero - Azienda Agricola Caravaglio Antonino - Antonino Caravaglio

Salty red wine from Salina. Very fresh. Amphora

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