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Plaza del Parque, Passeig de Vara de Rey, 5, 07800 Ibiza, Islas Baleares, Espagne, 07800 Ibiza Town, Spain

12 3 6971 KM


CV Cartoixa Vermell

Partida Creus - Massimo Marchiori & Antonella Gerosa

Cartoixa Vermell - CT

CV Cartoixa Vermell - Partida Creus - Massimo Marchiori & Antonella Gerosa
Locals Only logo Locals Only - 08 Jun. 2022
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Bar Restaurant Caviste

6971 KM

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reidcoops 09 May. 2020

@Ekka feel like their vintages have been really mixed (read: some outright bad). I think the ‘17 was okay but one of their more recent releases was suspect...may have been ‘18

Ekka 08 May. 2020

I had the 2018 yesterday. Don't know if it was an unlucky bottle, but all the scents were covered by an high volatile and in the mouth was almost sour 😣

vgeezy 14 Apr. 2019

Is it fire

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