Wine Shop
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El Catador Koszykowa

Koszykowa 58, 00-660 Warszawa, Polska, 00-660 Warsaw, Poland

13 0 7448 KM


Benje Blanco

Envínate - Roberto Santana, Alfonso Torrente, Laura Ramos & José Martínez

Listán blanco - Islas Canarias - Ycoden-Daute-Isora, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Benje Blanco - Envínate - Roberto Santana, Alfonso Torrente, Laura Ramos & José Martínez
El Catador Koszykowa logo El Catador Koszykowa - 22 Dec. 2023
22 23 0


blackvedder 01 Nov. 2023

Fabuleuse découverte !

reidcoops 12 Apr. 2020

Cheers! @leaveworknow

Leave Work Now 12 Apr. 2020
Leave Work Now

Good description! Just had a bottle of it last night. 🥂

POgG 19 Oct. 2019

Took forever to open... So be patient. Opened on friday night, undrinkable at the moment, so I decided to open somethings esle and left the bottle on the counter. It was slightly better on saturday, so it stayed where it standed. Tasted it again on sunday afternoon and it seems like a completly different wine so I but in back in the fridge for a couple of hours. And guess what, it was absolutly great with the sunday night diner. True story !

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