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Liten Buffel

Zack Klug & Patrick Vaughn

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Hear the Drums Echoing - 2018

Liten Buffel - Zack Klug & Patrick Vaughn

Riesling - New York

Hear the Drums Echoing


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Hear the Drums Echoing 2017

The color is a fainted orange and is quite cloudy almost like lake water after wading in it. It smells like a platter of sliced honeydew and cantaloup but then gets this sticky sweet aroma like honeycomb. All the while there is this delightful, indescribable sense of moisture like this was bottled underneath a waterfall. Just as refreshing to drink (wet rocks no doubt), it is a semi-sour sip with good acidity and slight minerality like lemon zest salt apricots. One of the best New York wines you’ll drink.

soymilkgoon @soymilkgoon