Šiklóš Winery - Viktor Sipos logo

Šiklóš Winery

Viktor Sipos

9 12 10198 KM

Family winery from Staré Levice - vineyards and a house on the Šiklóš hill, which is the largest limestone hill in Central Europe, where until recently the Golden Onyx - a semi-precious stone - was mined. We live on this hill and grow vines, from which we handcraft pure wine without additives, sprays or other interventions in the highest possible quality. We believe you will like it. About us: Our story begins few years ago, when we work and travel exploring wines and cultures around the world. Later on settle down back in our home town - Levice, Slovakia in the small vineyard house surrounded by old vineyards. Inspired by this place and its nature we decided to make some wines from our local resources for our own pleasure. Made first 1000 litre which has gone within 1 year, we were probably very thirsty :) So we decided to make some more, to be able to offer by bottles, as per our previous success. This is how we made decision to apply for wine makers licence and permits to make it happen. Since that time we are making our best we can to satisfy our friends and customers of course. Bringing every year more pleasure and excitement to the world of natural wine. Every step is made properly, by our hands, with no chemicals or modern technology using except grape grinder which is electric... Fermentation of the grape juice is spontaneous in the stainless steel tanks, and after 2nd or 3rd racking going to the French oak barrels or directly to the bottles, depends on wine makers feeling. Our goal is to make and offer the finest material in the bottles to the wine loving people around the planet. Because we believe that honest and proper craft work will bring us success and happiness. Our terroir: Our travertine hill Vápnik (transl. - Calcium) also called Šiklóš is situated 4 km southeast from Levice town. It is considered as the one of the largest travertine heaps in Slovakia and central Europe. The origin of this hill is associated with hot springs of mineralised water, extending from the great depths along the tectonic faults. From the hydro-calcium bicarbonate dissolved in the water with oxygen precipitated to calcium carbonate. And then by the reinforcing and progressive recrystallization finally it turns to travertine. Travertine in the process of forming was covered the plants and animals that are preserved in the form of paleontological materials. Local vineyards growing on this special kind of mineral ritch soil, giving our wines extraordinary taste in this superb central europe microclimate for a many hundred years since Roman Empire. Let yourself to try some with us. Cheers everyone 🍷



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Wines at Šiklóš Winery



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