Quinta dos Cozinheiros - Tiago Teles and Antonio Marques Da Cruz logo

Quinta dos Cozinheiros

Tiago Teles and Antonio Marques Da Cruz

2 5 7421 KM

Quinta dos Cozinheiros is run by Tiago Teles and Antonio Marques Da Cruz and makes natural wine in the Coimbra region in Portugal.

They have 2 natural wines currently recommended on our app and website:
- 1 white wines made with Vital.
- 1 orange wines made with Vital.

Quinta dos Cozinheiros has no certifications.

This text is a summary of the information we currently have. We would be delighted to provide more insights to our users. Quinta dos Cozinheiros if you are up for it?
Nothing is easier, send an email to our beloved Wine team: [email protected] and we will get your information updated.



Edit Domain description

IntroStep 1

Tell us about your domain history, your family’s role in it and what makes your wine special.

Our app supports four languages: Italian, English, French, and Japanese. You can write your domain's story in any of these languages, and our app will automatically translate it into the other three. Just remember to check the translations to ensure they accurately reflect your unique story.

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To make sure all users all over the world can read this, make sure you select the original language of the text you added. Translate it in the next step.

Wines at Quinta dos Cozinheiros

White Wines

Pop COZs - Quinta dos Cozinheiros - tiago-teles-and-antonio-marques-da-cruz
Pop Cozs
Vinho de Portugal


Red Wines

No red wines at the moment.

Rosé Wines

No rose wines at the moment.

Sparkling wines

No sparkling wines at the moment.


