11 19 7767 KM
Brestois of origin to the nomadic and trained spirit à urban planning in Normandy, I took charge of Ardèche in 2011. Under its blazing sun and on its harsh soil, I enthusiastically discovered the world of wine and a new profession: that of a winemaker. Attracted through the lands of the far west, I went back to Anjou. After consolidating my know-how with several winegrowers in organic farming, I had the opportunity to share my expertise with several winegrowers in organic farming. to settle in January 2015, in the town of Puy-Notre-Dame. The fruit of this journey is present today in the wines that I make.
The estate is located in in the town of Puy-Notre-Dame, in the south of Maine-et-Loire. Rooted in the Turonian tuffeau, the vines extend over four and a half hectares, divided into one third Chenin and two thirds Cabernet Franc.
The soil is worked; with respect and the vine cultivated in organic farming, with a marked interest in for the precepts of biodynamics. All direct actions on the vines are manual in order to fill the barrels with healthy, living grapes.
No rose wines at the moment.
No orange wines at the moment.