Les Lunes Wine / Populis Wine - Shaunt Oungolian & Diego Roig logo

Les Lunes Wine / Populis Wine

Shaunt Oungolian & Diego Roig

20 27 3923 KM

Populis -

Les Lunes Wine / Populis Wine - Shaunt Oungolian & Diego Roig

Sauvignon Blanc - California - Mendocino

Total: 4 5 0

Fresh, pure style of natural wine, maked in garage by 3 enthusiasts. Cardamon, herbacious, quince with hints of citrus fruits in aromas. Well balanced on the palate, bright and full. Cool wine from Mendocino county in north style 💫👏


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Populis latest posts, by users:

Populis 2017

Beautiful acid with tart Meyer lemon notes that fade into lemon curd. Flinty and light.

katyjames @katyjames

Populis 19

Light crisp and smooth

bev2 @bev2