Santei Natural Wines - Sandra & Matej Bizjak logo

Santei Natural Wines

Sandra & Matej Bizjak

13 28 9707 KM

Malvazija - 2020

Santei Natural Wines - Sandra & Matej Bizjak

Malvasia - Sežana - Vipava hills

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Santei´s top-seller, Malvasia Santei, has the colour of golden brown with shades of amber. It has a mature bouquet of dried fruits with an intense smell of apricots and dates. You can also identify hay, acacia honey and chamomile. The wine is strong and intense in taste, and has a long aftertaste. The magic is in the balance between acidity and richness of body, which makes Malvasia Santei elegant and harmonic, while making you fancy another glass. Certified Organic.


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