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Miyamoto Vineyard

Ryohei Miyamoto

4 4 22487 KM

2012, our couple opened a long-sought wine vineyard in the Tappu district of Mikasa, Hokkaido. Our goal is to face grapes every day, be aware of being with nature, and above all, enjoy our work so that everyone can enjoy Hokkaido's terroir and our delicious wines. increase. Our field is located in Mikasa City, Hokkaido, in the Tappu district where beautiful hills spread. Currently, about 4000 trees are planted in the 2ha field, centering on Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Pinot Gris. There is a little more space to plant, so we plan to gradually increase it. The concept of cultivation is "how to deal with grapes and the environment surrounding them". I think that unnecessary pesticides can be reduced by facing the grapes firmly without neglecting daily observation. In addition, the state of the soil as well as vines, the type of weed, while we take the balance as one of the environment attention to, such as insects who live, ... to ensure some degree of productivity naturally far How far will people intervene, leaving it to the power of? It's very difficult, but I would like to work on it without giving up. We named the vines. Vignes Chantentes In French, it means "singing vines". The grapes in the excellent vineyards take in water and nutrients from the earth as well as elements that can be said to be the individuality of the area. Climate characteristics due to land and terrain and annual weather trends can also make a difference in the taste of grapes. And it is the cultivation technique of the maker and the brewing technique that makes the best use of those characteristics (terroir) and kills them. Listen to the voice of the vines, help the vines become the wine they want to be, and have the vines sing a "song of delight" in the glass ... I will continue to do my best to become such a maker. increase!



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