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Roberto Henriquez

Roberto Henriquez

8 12 7754 KM

Rivera Del Notro - White -

Roberto Henriquez - Roberto Henriquez

Muscat of Alexandria, Corinto, Semillon - Bío Bío - Itata Valley

Rivera Del Notro - White


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Rivera Del Notro - White latest posts, by users:

Rivera Del Notro 2017

Beautifully fruity & light 😋

ouendi @ouendi

Rivera Del Notro 2017

Very interesting skin contact from Bio Bio valley in Chile. Dry farmed, very old vines, native yeast. Clean, slightly grippy, lots of fruit. Light and fresh. Very small producer.


Rivera Del Notro 2018

Textural savoury orange wine, quiet clear in colour, great with food.

amber @amber