Les Vins Contés (CLOSED) - Olivier Lemasson (CLOSED) logo

Les Vins Contés (CLOSED)

Olivier Lemasson (CLOSED)

25 68 8460 KM

R20 -

Les Vins Contés (CLOSED) - Olivier Lemasson (CLOSED)

Gamay, Cabernet Franc, Grenache, Syrah - Vallée de la Loire - Vallée de la Loire



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R20 latest posts, by users:

R20 2020 - 2020

Une saveur toute particulière....😢

dak29 @dak29

R20 2020 - 2020

Jordigt. Prickligt. Gott.

toruntiger @toruntiger

R20 2020 - 2020

C'est frais et léger, avec des arômes de fruits rouges et une pointe d'épices en finale.

Thomas-T @Thomas-T

R20 2020 - 2020

Savoury, herbaceous, sour. Spicy and fruity on the nose. Upon drinking notes of sour/unripe strawberry, cranberry, cherry, pepper and sage (or some adjacent herb). A bit sharp at first but once aerated it softens. Light body with tannins. Also lovely minerality, like wet slate. Strong on the front and mid palate. Boyfriend says bitter on the finish but I disagree.

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