Domaine Ligas - Ktima Ligas - Meli Ligas & Thomas Ligas logo

Domaine Ligas - Ktima Ligas

Meli Ligas & Thomas Ligas

22 90 10542 KM

Yomatari -

Domaine Ligas - Ktima Ligas - Meli Ligas & Thomas Ligas

Rhoditis - Macedonia, Greece - Macedonia, Greece



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Yomatari latest posts, by users:

Yomatari 2020 - 2021

Wow! A bomb of forrest floor and pines. That dominates it when just opened. Then citrus comes in, lime, lemon, and grapefruit. Some ginger as well. In the mouth, lots of pine and lime. Lots of minerality and earthy. Lots of acidity which is great! Very interesting wine!

olme @olme