Margins Wine - Megan Bell logo

Margins Wine

Megan Bell

16 20 3890 KM

Margins Wine produces low-intervention wines using grapes from underrepresented regions, vineyards, and varietals. We are part of the growing movement in California to make wines from sustainably farmed vineyards using little to no additives during the winemaking process, thereby showcasing the vineyards the grapes came from. Much like people living on the ‘margins of society,’ vineyards can be outcasts too. Most consumers of wine are only familiar with a handful of grapegrowing regions and types of wine. Margins draws attention to vineyards and varietals throughout northern and central California that find themselves on the margins without the recognition they deserve. Margins Wine is a small winemaking project of Megan Bell, a winemaker living and working in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Prior to settling on the central coast of California, Megan received her BS in Viticulture and Enology from UC Davis and apprenticed in wineries and vineyards in Napa, Livermore, the Willamette Valley, Central Otago, and the Loire.



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