Domaine Philémon - Mathieu Vieules logo

Domaine Philémon

Mathieu Vieules

9 24 8512 KM

The VIEULES family has been working their land in the Municipality of Villeneuve sur Vère since 1804. So 7 generations of peasant-winegrowers have followed one another. The estate bears the name of PHILEMON, my great grandfather winegrower. Who at the beginning of the last century (1910-1950) developed the culture of the vine. We practice goblet pruning, a traditional pruning from Roman times. It is a soft pruning which consists in forming the stump in the manner of a small shrub. Thus the grapes are better protected by a more abundant foliage; they are more resistant to the strong heat of summer. The strain being more aerated, the grapes are less susceptible to disease. Goblet vines do not require wire trellising and iron stakes. It then fits wonderfully into the surrounding landscape. To preserve and sustain our soil, we use green manures. It is a sowing of beans in autumn between the rows of vines that will cover the soil all winter with an abundant biomass of greenery. In spring, when the vine grows, its green manures are rolled with a rolofaca to create a natural mulch which reduces evaporation from the soil and allows the vine to be more resistant to drought. To maintain the biodiversity of our environment, we cultivate small spelled, chickpeas, lentils and sunflower interbedded between plots of vines. The truffle oaks, groves and hedges which surround the vines serve as refuge for the auxiliary fauna regulating predatory insects. Vinification in indigenous yeasts without inputs.



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Wines at Domaine Philémon

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