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Agricola Luyt

Louis-Antoine Luyt

30 73 7646 KM

Gorda Blanca Cuvée Benoît - 2017

Agricola Luyt - Louis-Antoine Luyt

Moscatel d’Alexandrie, Torontel, Sémillon , Chasselas - Maule - Viño de Chile

Gorda Blanca Cuvée Benoît
Total: 7 2 0

Salty, mineral, largo y muy profundo


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Gorda Blanca Cuvée Benoît latest posts, by users:

Gorda Blanca

Salt, Chili Powder, Funky (Ceramic Vats)

etolleson1 @etolleson1

gorda blanca

looks like fish water when u don’t clean the tank but tastes like mezcal and lychee

emureee @emureee