A Los Viñateros Bravos / Onda Brava - Leonardo Erazo logo

A Los Viñateros Bravos / Onda Brava

Leonardo Erazo

18 20 7450 KM

Pais Granitico - 2018

A Los Viñateros Bravos / Onda Brava - Leonardo Erazo

País - Región Metropolitana - Itata Valley

Pais Granitico
Total: 1 1 0

fuckin' dummy good


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Pais Granitico latest posts, by users:

Granitico País 2018

End of the afternoon in the company of the 2018 Granítico #viñaterosbravos. It’s a super nice funky #cinsault from #itatavalley in #Chile. Balanced acidity, steady minerals and some spiciness. A wine full of freshness that suited a warm afternoon. #naturalwinelover #naturalwine #winelover #rawwine #winetasting #wine #winedinner #redwine #winedrinker #rawwine #chilewine

alexandrekrauss @alexandrekrauss