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Les Vignes de l'Angevin

Jean-Pierre Robinot

27 114 8390 KM

Le Charme du Loir -

Les Vignes de l'Angevin - Jean-Pierre Robinot

Chenin Blanc - Vallée de la Loire - Vin de France

Le Charme du Loir


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Le Charme du Loir latest posts, by users:

Le charme du loir 2007

Petite touche oxydative au nez et en bouche C'est rond salivant avec des notes citronnées mais sans être super tendu , Bel Équilibre C'est très bon

philou @philou

Le Charme du Loir 2009

Very sweet! Pretty much a dessert wine.

marv01 @marv01

Le Charme du Loir

Apple citrus fantasia from the favourit cave man

lukabalac @lukabalac

Le Charme du Loir 2014

Rustique, puissant, juvénile, très énergétique, très bon

osx @osx

Le Charme du Loir 2017

When Tolkien wrote "The Lord of the Rings", probably he forgot to mention the elf of the Chahaignes' woods: Jean-Pierre Robinot. Multifaceted character, magnet for natural energies, restaurateur, vigneron ... an artist. Born in Sarthe, he arrived in Paris at a very young age, where he started working as a plumber. In its mid 20s he was so shocked by the world of wine, that he decided to open his own bar à vins, "L 'Ange Vin". He's is also among the founder of "Le Rouge et Blanc", à cult magazine for the "vins naturels", and as we can imagine, Robinot and his "Ange Vin" soon became the reference point for the avant-garde of the natural wines' producers. But something was still missing and, towards the end of the 90s, Jean-Pierre was aware that the only way to fully understand what wine is, was to produce it himself. That's why he started to intensify his presence in Sarthe, until in 2001 he chose to definitively end the parisian cycle in order to devote his time only to his wines. With the help of all his friends who passed through L'Ange Vin, in 2002 he made his first vinification. Thanks to his sensitivity, determination and connection with a unique territory, a rare story was born. But, where's the magical forest of Robinot? We are in Loire, in the Sarthe department, between Tours and Le Mans. A wild area composed of limestone and clay, with very low average temperature which, combined with the late harvest (mid-October), give life to the miracle of botrytis. The same cellars of Jean-Pierre are tunnels nestled between rocks and roots where, without electricity and with extreme patience, the elf lets his wines to ferment spontaneously and slowly, so that in some cases they can even exceed 5 years on the lees. The grapes are those typical of the area, the Chenin Blanc and, almost disappeared, the Pineau d'Aunis, with which Robinot creates dry white wines with botrytis, ancestral pet Nat and reds that make us feel in harmony with the universe. As fascinating as the name it bears, the Charme, still cool in temperature, is a bumblebee loaded with pollen that flutters in a field of saffron flowers. Like the elf who created it, as soon as we approach it it seems a delicate and genuine creature picking up apricots, green plums and Provencal herbs, wearing a crown made of calycanthus flowers (a very fragrant plant that blooms, in fact, during cold wintertime). Despite its fragile appearance, this creature knows how to spread all the magic of which it's made of, such as perfumes of resin, amber and cedar wood. His feet are made of roots that dig deep into the ground, so that the nose already anticipates all the minerality of my first sip that reminds me of a crispy salt crystal. For me, drinking this wine was like going on a roller coaster, as soon as I grasped a sensation, I immediately felt its exact opposite. In fact, the rapid descent into the salt mine was followed by a slow and fruity climb of apple cider and dried papaya, and as fast as a blink I was precipitating again on the pungency of cumin and lemon basil. I managed to save a taste even for the next day and the glass continued its emotional ups and downs: Kumquat, paint, iodine and ginger root. The #irresponsibledrinking of my Easter (despite so late) gave me in effect a ticket for an amazing "Love Rollercoaster" trip.

Ekka @Ekka

Le Charme du Loir 2016

Di quei vini che ti fanno passare la voglia di bere qualunque altra cosa tu abbia bevuto fino a quel momento. Fuoriclasse assoluto

birraporetti @birraporetti


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