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J.M. Dreyer

Jean-Marc Dreyer

20 67 9088 KM

Weg Pinot Gris -

J.M. Dreyer - Jean-Marc Dreyer

Pinot Gris - Grand Est - Alsace

Weg Pinot Gris
Total: 23 13 0

Nice acidity and robust taste


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Weg Pinot Gris latest posts, by users:

Weg Pinot Gris 15

Very fresh, fruity with apple and grapefruit on the nose. Crispy, little carbonic, very tasty. Good balance between bitterness, freshness and juiciness. Thrilling, great drinkability!

francesca81 @francesca81

Weg Pinot Gris

So fresh and good taste

ira_t @ira_t

Weg Pinot Gris 18

Magnifique pinot gris travaillé façon jura. Limite oxydatif. A l’aveugle dur de trouver que c’est un Alsace. Une merveille surprenante. Ne laissera personne indiffèrent.

michov @michov

Weg Pinot Gris 18

Big and great wine! Notes of burnt nuts, pine nuts and maybe apricots. In the mouth a lots of butter toasted nuts and grape fruit (acidity and bitterness). Very balanced and complex wine. Jean-Marc Dreyer is a true master!

olme @olme