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Domaine Guy Breton - P'tit Max

Guy Breton

15 43 8791 KM

Côte De Brouilly -

Domaine Guy Breton - P'tit Max - Guy Breton

Gamay - Beaujolais - Côte De Brouilly

Côte De Brouilly
Total: 5 3 0

Super juicy, bright sour cherries, floral nose. Very fruity and high acid.


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Côte De Brouilly latest posts, by users:

Côte De Brouilly 2018

Another brilliant cuve by Max Breton. Delicious!

Simon82 @Simon82

Côte De Brouilly

Really nice fresh red wine. Drank with the students.

LauraInParis @LauraInParis