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Azienda Agricola Fabio Gea

Fabio Gea

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Nòtu andava a tartufi senza il cane -

Azienda Agricola Fabio Gea - Fabio Gea

Nebbiolo - Piemonte - Barbaresco Riserva

Nòtu andava a tartufi senza il cane


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Nòtu andava a tartufi senza il cane latest posts, by users:

Barbaresco Riserva - Nòtu andava a tartufi senza il cane 11

Cherry, red berries, fruit, tannin, acid. Fantastic wine. If you want to try on Barbaresco you need to try Fabio Gea, a must drink on every geeks drink list. Risotto with mushroom, rabbit, tajarin with sage and butter.

jensth @jensth

Barbaresco 2016

It’s a very natural red wine

casadelvino @casadelvino