Lucy Margaux Vineyards - Anton Van Klopper logo

Lucy Margaux Vineyards

Anton Van Klopper

67 125 23408 KM

Red Wine - 2016

Lucy Margaux Vineyards - Anton Van Klopper

Syrah - South Australia - Australia

Red Wine
Total: 16 5 0

Du gaz mais du fruit xxl (mûre), du croquant, et de la buvabilité! Encore un gros canon signé Anton!


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Red Wine latest posts, by users:

Red Wine 2016

Delicious! Well balanced smoke and funk. Small berries. Not to be missed

somm_of_finland @somm_of_finland

Red Wine 2016

Rustic and earthy, dirt rubbed onto the knees of a long velvet dress. Wandering through the bush with no real destination. Refreshing mouthfeel with some notes of wild berry.

petit_nat @petit_nat

Lucy Margaux Red

Balanced no sulphur gem! Great wine and nice memory from Budapest!

lippaimihaly @lippaimihaly