Featured Winemakers

Since its creation, Raisin has had a singular goal: to support and promote the natural wine movement.
To achieve this goal, we highlight young winemakers as they start out, helping them get their businesses off in the best possible way.
GOAL: promote them to professionals and the general public ↪ make their wines known ↪ enable them to make their first sales ↪ help them quickly make a living from their sales.

Latest featured winemakers:

Why do we highlight young winemakers?

Knowing how to make wine naturally is not enough. You also need to know how to market and sell it.

This involves maintaining your vines, harvesting grapes, vinifying, labeling, bottling, and finally, selling your wine. But to whom?

For anyone starting out, this represents a complex equation: making a name for yourself through your wines, then selling them and making a living from your business at a time when cash flow is often in short supply.

The natural wine market revolves mainly around local stores, thanks to trade shows and agents, and meetings points between young winemakers.

Raisin supports young winemakers

Since 2016, we have been working to help as many people as possible discover young winemakers who are just starting out. Whether it is through social networks or highlighting participatory financing campaigns, we have always been there. We see this as part of our commitment and mission!

Accelerate, promote and support.

Our goal is to promote young winemakers and increase their visibility within the natural wine community. We aim to support them in their launch and help them connect with individuals and professionals in the industry.

Being featured on this site is also a means for wine merchants, sommeliers, and agents to reach out to winemakers. For professionals, information can be found on each winegrower's page.


From the grape, from the vine to the bottle.

Free and sincere wines.

Pesticides, Herbicides, Additives, Yeasts.


The absence of certification does not mean absence of commitment.
(it's the exact opposite)

The best possible wines with respect for Nature and People.
(without marketing)


What is natural wine?

A natural wine is made only with grapes and sometimes a little bit of sulfur, always respecting nature and people.

It's often organic and/or biodynamic in the vineyard, but goes beyond these certifications with nothing added in the cellar. The result is the taste of fermented fruit, a wine that reflects the winegrower and not a factory.

Discover natural wine