50% Syrah, 50% Grenache Noir - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - VDF - Ardèche
Don't throw plastic in the ocean, please. . It is an incredible wine by former @nomacph sommelier Anders Frederik Steen @andersfrederiksteen. He bought the grapes from the French natural wine maker Mazel. What a great statement to protect the life in our oceans! . . . #naturalwine #vinvivant #andersfrederiksteen #dontthrowplasticintheoceanplease #saveouroceans #winetasting #naturalwines #mazel #vinnaturel #vdf #vindefrance #frenchwine #wineoclock #felicianowine #wineblogger #ocean #winelover #winetime
Splendide. La soirée chez Kobe est un sueño
So ripe and juicy.
Fruity and funky with a nice fizz ... 😎
Great great bottle. Legendary squad and powerful overcome ☄️
7276 KM