Wine Fault: Oxidation

April 25, 2024 - 0 comments

Wine Fault Oxidation

What is oxidation? Simply put it’s the result of bringing wine into contact with oxygen. Oxidation, while often a normal and necessary part of wine evolution, can also lead to some undesirable outcomes. 

what is oxidation?

When wine interacts with oxygen, its molecules change in ways that affect how it tastes, smells, and looks. If it is in contact with too much oxygen, it can create compounds like acetaldehyde and acetic acid, which make the wine taste like vinegar. When this happens, the wine can be considered spoiled. This can happen for example when a bottle is left open too long.

When wine interacts with oxygen, its molecules change in ways that affect how it tastes, smells, and looks.

Oxidation can occur at various stages of winemaking and storage. Exposure to oxygen during crushing, pressing, or bottling can initiate oxidation, while opening a bottle allows oxygen to interact, limiting its shelf life. 

When wine interacts with oxygen, its molecules change in ways that affect how it tastes, smells, and looks.

Conventional winemaking often relies on sulfur dioxide to prevent oxidation, while natural, living wines may change from the first glass to the last due to oxygen interaction, (which we love!) but it limits their longevity compared to conventional wines when opened. 

Conventional winemaking often relies on sulfur dioxide to prevent oxidation, while natural, living wines may change from the first glass to the last due to oxygen interaction, (which we love!) but it limits their longevity compared to conventional wines when opened. 

TIP: store your unopened wines on their sides to keep the cork moist, if the cork dries up it may shrink letting oxygen in and ruining your wine. 

TIP: store your unopened wines on their sides to keep the cork moist, if the cork dries up it may shrink letting oxygen in and ruining your wine. 

Oxidative wine, such as Vin Jaune from the Jura region of France, showcase deliberate oxidation as a defining feature of their style. Vin Jaune undergoes a lengthy aging process under a protective yeast layer known as the "voile" resulting in oxidative aging that contributes to its distinctive aromas of nuts, spices, and dried fruits. A hard skill to master but with great rewards.

Oxidative wine, such as Vin Jaune from the Jura region of France, showcase deliberate oxidation as a defining feature of their style.

Vin Jaune undergoes a lengthy aging process under a protective yeast layer known as the

Oxygen serves as both a tool and a test for winemakers, shaping the destiny of their creations. When wielded with finesse, oxygen becomes a catalyst for transformation, elevating wine to a sublime expression of terroir and craftsmanship. However, a misstep can result in a product less desirable to drink.

Oxygen serves as both a tool and a test for winemakers, shaping the destiny of their creations. When wielded with finesse, oxygen becomes a catalyst for transformation, elevating wine to a sublime expression of terroir and craftsmanship. However, a misstep can result in a product less desirable to drink.


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