Antadze wines ანთაძეების მარანი - Nikoloz Antadze logo

Antadze wines ანთაძეების მარანი

Nikoloz Antadze

4 8 12845 KM


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Rkatsiteli latest posts, by users:

Rkatsiteli 2015


waltwhite @waltwhite

Rkatsiteli 15

Complex but easy

lordvitt @lordvitt

Rkatsiteli 2017

Dry and gentle amber rkatsiteli. Tastes like a dry, complex apple. cider. Light bodied. Quaffable orange wine from Kakheti.

petnat @petnat

Rkatsiteli 2017

Dry and gentle amber rkatsiteli. Tastes like a dry, complex apple. cider. Light bodied. Quaffable orange wine from Kakheti.

petnat @petnat