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Donkey & Goat

Jared & Tracey Brandt

19 33 3935 KM

Ramato -

Donkey & Goat - Jared & Tracey Brandt

Pinot Gris - California - Anderson Valley

Total: 16 7 0

Medium bodied, maceración with the skins, orange color. Biodynamic, unfiltered. Interesting!


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Ramato latest posts, by users:

Ramato 2015

Good things coming out of California.

holzhejp10 @holzhejp10

Ramato 2015

These are some of my favourite wines!! Their Pinot Gris and their Roussanne are some of the most interesting and Alive natural wines that I ever tried!This Pinot Gris is best served an hour or so out of the fridge, and enjoyable with or without food. Every bottle will be a different experience, and you can taste the effort and soul that goes into these wines!

loveandlabour @loveandlabour

Ramato 2017

ramato gris grown in gravel & clay loam, textural light silly, drank out of paper cups at the rave, flanked by dark angels

dj_gelus @dj_gelus

Ramato 2017

Dead leaves, wild strawberries, garrigue

raemarie @raemarie