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La Clarine Farm

Hank Beckmeyer

24 32 3768 KM

Mourvèdre "Cedarville" -

La Clarine Farm - Hank Beckmeyer

Mourvèdre - CA - Sierra Foothills

Mourvèdre "Cedarville"
Total: 3 1 0



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Mourvèdre "Cedarville" latest posts, by users:

Cedarville 2017

Super fresh and fruity, with tannin to back it up. It did get a little mousy on second day, so I drank the last of it more quickly.

runswithcorkscrew @runswithcorkscrew

Cedarville 2016

Time to drink up if you’re still holding any.

davidmcduff @davidmcduff