Alex Craighead Wines - Don & Kindeli Wines - Alex Craighead & Josefina Venturino logo

Alex Craighead Wines - Don & Kindeli Wines

Alex Craighead & Josefina Venturino

27 73 26859 KM


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Kindeli El Jabali latest posts, by users:

Kindeli El Jabali 2016

Stunning little number packed with savoury herbs and spices, but a strong core of dark fruit holds it together. 80% carbonic, stainless steel, 10.5 abv, low VA.

erikmercier @erikmercier

Kindeli El Jabali 2017

Fantastic Syrah! Tobacco, spices, forest floor, dark chocolate. Light, bright and funky ⚡️🍇 Highly recommended if you can put your hands on it!

nicobk @nicobk