Tsikhelishvili Wines - Aleksi Tsikhelishvili logo

Tsikhelishvili Wines

Aleksi Tsikhelishvili

3 7 12833 KM

Mtsvane -

Tsikhelishvili Wines - Aleksi Tsikhelishvili

Mtsvane - Kakheti - Kakheti

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Tsikhelishvili wine cellar is located in Kakheti village upper Alvani. Vineyard is near to Alazani river on 500 metre above.


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Mtsvane latest posts, by users:

Mtavane 2015

Perfect Mtsvane from Alvani

lucasartania @lucasartania

Mtsvane 2016

Pure Amber Our most mature variant among the Rkatsiteli Amber wines. Alone its colour can give you an eyeful of sight. And also, the palate wants to be pampered: Sherry, cedar and quince are in the air and fill the mouth with a golden feeling of perfection of form. With every sip you notice the years of experience and mastery of the winemaker and you involuntarily imagine the dedication, unconditionality and vision with which this wine was created.

chachaspirit @chachaspirit