Vineria Enoteca Ristorante
Enoteca el Zarcillo logo

Enoteca el Zarcillo

C. Dr. Vicente Navarro Marco, 33, 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spagna

10 1 5776 KM

Lubina A La Meuniere - Enoteca el Zarcillo - 477293
Enoteca el Zarcillo logo Enoteca el Zarcillo - 09 Mag. 2022
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Bar Restaurant Caviste

lubina a la meuniere


Tutto la miglior gastronomia
che puoi trovare in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Pulpo Chintextle - Mazu Cantina - 773778
Pulpo Chintextle

Pulpo cocinado a baja temperatura , salsa chintextle , puré de coliflor , …

Mazu Cantina

9.3 KM

Vineria Ristorante

Low-Temperature Lamb, Finished On The Grill. - 3 RAICES STEAKHOUSE & WINEBAR - 802745
Low-Temperature Lamb, Finished On The Grill.

- Slow-cooked for 48 hours to ensure tenderness and depth of flavor. - Fin…


135 KM

Ristorante Enoteca

Tuna Fish & Pickles - ameu.gosto - 789277
Tuna Fish & Pickles

Canned tuna fish & pickles


528 KM

Vineria Enoteca

Vegan Roast - Fermento Food & Wine - 759186
Vegan Roast

Lion’s mane mushrooms, parsnip chickpeas polenta and orange jelly

Fermento Food & Wine

1165 KM

Vineria Ristorante Enoteca

Tahini And Chocolate Cookie - Sul - 795405
Tahini And Chocolate Cookie

Tahini, chocolate and sea salt flakes cookie


1180 KM

Vineria Ristorante Enoteca

Hummus Toastie - Coffee & Waves - 790601
Hummus Toastie

Sourdough with sundried tomato hummus, roasted tomato, shaved fennel, piri…

Coffee & Waves

1187 KM

Vineria Enoteca

Barbosa Burger - Barbosa Bar&Kitchen - 726210
Barbosa Burger

Beef burger, spinach, cheddar, mustard mayo, onion marmalade, truffle fries

Barbosa Bar&Kitchen

1187 KM

Vineria Ristorante