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GLOW GLOW - Weingut Baumberger

Pauline & Carl Baumberger

8 36 8594 KM

Pink Fizzy Glow Glow - 2022

GLOW GLOW - Weingut Baumberger - Pauline & Carl Baumberger

Dornfelder, Müller-Thurgau - Nahe - RP

Pink Fizzy Glow Glow


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Interesting pettilant, bright and fruity at the start. Rich and wide on aroma. quite fizzy indeed ;) Later on the flavours started to fly away together with the bubbles, and we got a little bored about it but surely a nice glass of wine to try.

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Dernières publications de Pink Fizzy Glow Glow, par les utilisateurs :

Pink Fizzy Glow Glow - 2022

Interesting pettilant, bright and fruity at the start. Rich and wide on aroma. quite fizzy indeed ;) Later on the flavours started to fly away together with the bubbles, and we got a little bored about it but surely a nice glass of wine to try.

LuukStierum @LuukStierum