Croci Tenuta Vinicola - Massimiliano Croci logo

Croci Tenuta Vinicola

Massimiliano Croci

15 182 8755 KM


Croci Tenuta Vinicola - Massimiliano Croci

Barbera, Bonarda - Emilia-romagna - DOC Gutturnio “Colli Piacentini”



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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Wow! Much going on! Lots of blueberries in the nose. Earthy with reductive notes. Some pears as well. Maybe vanilla as well. Excellent acidity, nice bubbles. Really good!

1 utilisateurs ont posté "Galvano"

"Galvano" publié par les établissements.

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Dernières publications de Galvano, par les utilisateurs :

Galvano 19

Wow! Much going on! Lots of blueberries in the nose. Earthy with reductive notes. Some pears as well. Maybe vanilla as well. Excellent acidity, nice bubbles. Really good!

olme @olme