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Azienda Agricola Serragghia

Gabrio & Giotto Bini

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Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo -

Azienda Agricola Serragghia - Gabrio & Giotto Bini

Zibibbo - Sicilia

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo
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Vino secco e floreale senza rivali


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77 utilisateurs ont posté "Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo"

"Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo" publié par les établissements.

Dernières publications de Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo, par les utilisateurs :

Serragghia Bianco

Oh my gawd F*ckin haribo peach rings on the nose tho! For reals Tasty and light and to the point. Could not recommend more

tayediggs @tayediggs

Serragghia Bianco

👌 aromatic and extremely smashable

im @im

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2014

C'est certain, une drôle d'expérience gustative, un moment étonnant et rare !

erickd @erickd

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2014

Wonderful and odd. Slightly oxidative with fresh acidity.

cobeneva @cobeneva

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo

Breathtaking orange wine. Superb.

niels @niels

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2011

Amazing with a bit of ice (outside)...

xtobal @xtobal

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

A bit more powerful than 2013 and 2014 but the quintessence of Serragghia's Zibibbo : a spectacular nose (no one does it like Serragghia !), complex and living. At opening pure mango and tropical fruits evolving with bitter orange, Cointreau like, a touch of musk and medicinal herbs. Generous texture, thin tannins sensation, slight bitterness, great acidity, awesome fruit of course, and no heaviness even with the alcohol level. Such a treat !

wine.clement @wine.clement

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo

Wonderful! Indeed (orange)

jhb @jhb

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

Merveille de muscat qui mêle si harmonieusement maturité, fraîcheur, et corps. Un équilibre hallucinant où les arômes du cépage ne dominent en aucun cas et ne font que sublimer la profondeur du vin. Chapeau Messieurs Bini.

pauleric @pauleric

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

Earthy AF but elegant @ Vinilo in L’Escala, Girona, Spain.

bramvdl @bramvdl

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2013

Un vin exceptionnel ! C’est long, riche mais avec une belle fraîcheur Abricot, fleurs, miel, herbes. On en a plein la margoulette à chaque gorgée. En un mot? Encore!!!

rolph @rolph

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

Very nice moment around a great bottle! Full of spices and exotic fruits, the wine paired perfectly with the fresh sea food. Great bottle.

cblatrie @cblatrie

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2014

Excellent @arnoelpinardo !!!!

jhb @jhb

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2016

Intense , fruity nose , citrus , orange , raisin , stone fruits , apricots , white flowers acacia , orange flowers Intense body , sherry notes , no acidity , dry tannins , lot of alcohol and bitterness

punkit @punkit

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2014

Very definition of grapeyness and soothing, so citrus and powering acidity. Amazing balance and wine making

rogiervinschaik @rogiervinschaik

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo

Extraordinary nose. Masses of VA mixed with dried apricots and sweet flowers. Palate has persistent acidity, which I did not expect. It is wacky but brilliant. A special wine.


Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2017

Powerful bouquet of ripe stone fruit, white flowers, and African spices. Savory on the palette; turmeric & cardamom. Outrageously quaffable!

aluppi @aluppi

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo

Strong zesty and citrus taste with underlying herbaceous notes

nodosage @nodosage

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2014

Hors norme dans tous les sens du terme

Seventywine @Seventywine

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2017

Electric apricots. Delicious

mrryan @mrryan

Vino Secco


evtighe @evtighe

Zebibbo Bianco 2017

Amazingly perfumed, yet round, mineralic and balanced. A real treat !

parallølworld @parallølworld

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2016

Wild, intense, fruity and floral nose. Stone fruits, apricot, peach , mixfruit juice, white flowers, citrus zest Absolutely Dry palate with medium body, medium level of tannins and acidity, super long mushroom aftertaste

punkit @punkit

Zibibbo Bianco 2014 2014

Très spécial ! Mais excellent ! Un ovni !

beninou @beninou

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

Intense, fruity nose, peach juice, apricot, plum, apple jam, orange zest, acacia Dry palate with medium body, juicy acidity, pronounced saulty and fruity finish

punkit @punkit

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2013

Tout commentaire serait superflu....

la_bastide_de_gisele @la_bastide_de_gisele

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2018

an elegant fruity bomb 🤤

dupetitlac @dupetitlac

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

Very interesting one. Complex, pure and full of flavours! Nice

cblatrie @cblatrie

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

Hors piste ; à ne surtout pas rater

maudfassler @maudfassler

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2014

Sempre molto interessante .... non semplice come vino , un po’ estremo è sicuramente costoso !!!! Sicuramente si può bere di meglio e spendere meno .....

diegobiancofiore @diegobiancofiore

Serragghia Bianco 2014

Circuler y a rien a voir. Au nez muscat, en bouche, énorme. C'est dingue.

fmchef @fmchef

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2016

Isolano Al naso fichi secchi, albicocca e tutte le componenti di un vino aromatico prodotto a Pantelleria Vinificato con macerazione sulle bucce per circa una settimana L’eleganza è la nota predominante Grandissima acidità Sapido e di grande beva Un pioniere dell’isola, trasmette al vino grande personalità No solfiti No lieviti SuperNatural

NelsonSicily @NelsonSicily

Serragghia Bianco Zibibbo 2015

One of the best sicilian wine. 19 months of skin contact is completely insane but there it is!

marchigno_s @marchigno_s