Bar Wine Shop Restaurant

Tilda og Karl

Stefansgade 47, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark

13 0 6540 KM


Polonaise - 2020

Les cigales dans la fourmilière - Julie Brosselin et Ivo Ferreira

Muscat Petit Grains - Languedoc - Languedoc

Polonaise - Les cigales dans la fourmilière - Julie Brosselin et Ivo Ferreira -2020
Tilda og Karl logo Tilda og Karl - 18 May. 2021
2 1 0

Bar Restaurant Caviste

Posted by users:

It is wonderful on a hot day especially when you are sweating, and want something to refresh your pallet. It is acidic but the juiciness of it balance it out well. To sum it up it is a wonderful juice to refresh yourself on a sweaty day.

3 users have posted "Polonaise"