Sunday October 27 - Monday October 28
7 0 8349 KM
Starting time
12 PM
Ending time
5 PM
Aambeeldstraat 30, 1021 KB Amsterdam
Hotel de Goudfazant
We close in style on Monday with a big dinner at long tables. De Goudfazant's kitchen brigade will be completed this evening by Lauren Vergeyle and Robin Gielens of the phenomenal Café Service from Antwerp.
During this dinner, you will drink wine from the Bolomey Wine Bar, so expect plenty of spectacle on that front too - at spectacular prices!
All in a row Location: Hotel de Goudfazant, Aambeeldstraat 30
SALON Sunday 27 October, 12.00-17.00 - Individuals - €15
SALON Monday 28 October, 11.00-17.00, Only professionals - €0 RSVP
THE BIG DINER Monday 28 October at 18.30 - €47.50