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Azienda Agricola Pierluigi Zampaglione

Pierluigi Zampaglione

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Don Chisciotte -

Azienda Agricola Pierluigi Zampaglione - Pierluigi Zampaglione

Fiano di Avellino - Campania - IGT Campania Fiano

Don Chisciotte
Total: 70 48 0

Belle concentration et complexité, acidité maîtrisée, un vin orange très différent de tout ce que j'ai pu goûter.

Don Chisciotte latest posts, by users:

Don Chisciotte 2011

Un Vin superlatif, une émotion!

la_bastide_de_gisele @la_bastide_de_gisele

Don Chisciotte 2015

Good, but lacks acidity.

oswaldocosta @oswaldocosta

Don Chisciotte 2015

Fruits sec, un vin d’automne, terreux, floral. Un choix de la sommelière Paz Levinson chez Virtus

sara2 @sara2

Don Chisciotte 2015

Slighly oxidative but with freshness

GastroVino @GastroVino

Don Chisciotte 2016

Very interesting Flavory

clemfrancoise @clemfrancoise

Don Chisciotte 2015

Oxidatif équilibré et délicat. Superbe

arnaudbruckert @arnaudbruckert

Don Chisciotte 2014

This 2014 is perfect. Bottle is open about 6 hours, re-chilled and is showing candied fruit on the nose, lemon, fresh herbs. Getting complex after 5 years. Palate is quite rich for a wine with 12.5%. Lots of preserved fruit flavours, confit lemon, pears and briney character. This vintage is a lot better than it was 1 year ago. Plenty going on, absolutely a food wine, this could stand up to plenty of dishes. It has enough acidity to refresh and enough muscle to compete. Equally good on it's own. Long length.


Don Chisciotte 2013

Top. Type vin de voile, légèrement, oxydatif, mais grande finesse. Un pur plaisir.

ubikibu @ubikibu

Don Chisciotte 2008

È dura resistere a non poi si è ripagati alla grande😍

bamibro @bamibro

Don Chisciotte 2018

Aromatic and fruity but at the same time also very dry with a bitter after taste. It’s a nice wine to drink with pure fish but not the right wine paring for my dish, smoked eel with caramelised sauer kraut. I miss the smooth body of an Alsace or a fresh Burgundy to accompany my rich dish.

maxrestaurant @maxrestaurant

Don Chisciotte 2021

Ahooooo. Arzate! Non mi stanco mai di te, ammmmore mio!

Veneziano74 @Veneziano74