Sete - Vini Naturali - Emiliano Giorgi, Arcangelo Galuppi, Martina D’Alessio logo

Sete - Vini Naturali

Emiliano Giorgi, Arcangelo Galuppi, Martina D’Alessio

30 168 9071 KM


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21 users have posted "Tropicale"

Tropicale latest posts, by users:

Tropicale 2016

Simplement magnifique, le vin de l’été! Sapide, marin, iodé, minéral, et une super longueur!

la_bastide_de_gisele @la_bastide_de_gisele



p_l_x_x_ @p_l_x_x_

Tropicale 2019

bevuta dritta e appagante , sapidità e freschezza con un pizzico di zucchero residuo

ChosenRestaurant @ChosenRestaurant

Tropicale 2019

8.9 / $30 / Scuola di Vino / definitely some skin contact despite faulting to a white on the app. Not much though. Very light, but noticeable tannins. Noticeable alcoholic harshness, but not offensive. It's just there. Super slight effervescence in the most perfect way. Ropey apple cider with the mother intact. Perfumey. Salty. Pineapple, citrus pith, tropicale. When a winemaker knows their product so well that they name it and design the label so accurately based on the product, you just have to respect it, no? Yes!

rderington @rderington

Tropicale 2020


cassio @cassio


Tout léger et très très buvable. Ils parlent d’ananas, c’est bien vu, tellement léger qu’on dirait un soda. Bien frais c’est optimal pour l’été pour un apéro parfait. Avec un ceviche ou un dessert aux fruits, ça se glougloute.

poiscaille @poiscaille


Fun et oxydatif

poisson44 @poisson44